advanced led light therapy treatment

During this facial treatment a device, using low-level light therapy (LLLT) by way of medical-grade, surface-mounted, light emitting diodes (LED’s), is used to expose the skin to clinically proven wavelengths of light, delivered at safe, therapeutic doses.
The LED’s offer 4 variations that expose the skin to 4 wavelengths of light that will stimulate natural cellular responses. These responses lead to skin-rejuvenation and the improvement of common problematic skin conditions, helping to regain a youthful, rejuvenated look.
By using this technology, we can help :-
Accelerate skin circulation
Enhance elasticity within the skin
Diminish wrinkles and fine lines
Shrink pores
Improve oily skin
Deep clean pores
Lighten pigmentation
Fade spots
Repair the skin
Deeply nourish the skin
The treatment has no side effects of redness or sensitivity and is completely safe.
Please see below for the treatments we offer or click here to return to our main treatments page.
LED Light Therapy Facial Treatment - £40
30 Minutes
LED Light Therapy Incorporated into a Dermalogica facial - £20​
your skin is cleansed and gently exfoliated using Dermalogica products, we then apply eye protection and ensure you’re comfortable before selecting the programme suited to your skins needs. You can then relax and let the device complete its cycle. Once the programme has ended, your skin is refreshed with a hydrating spritz, moisturised and an spf applied to finish.
Programme Selections;
Anti-Ageing - Red (640nm) – To help promote skin regeneration, improve blood circulation and uptake of active ingredients.
Clear Skin - Blue (423nm) – To help problematic, oily, acne skin types. Inhibits sebaceous glands and can help reduce breakouts.
Restore - Yellow (583nm) – To help skins prone to redness and calm sensitivity. Healing properties.
Repair - Green (532nm) – To help give an even complexion, calm the skin and brighten. Soothes and balances.
A course of treatments is available
Advanced LED light therapy is for anyone who is looking to restore a healthy, radiant skin.

For more information on our salon formalities including our cancellation policy, medical information, deposits for treatments, male treatments, courses and other information please click 'here',