dermalogica shop
Click any of the images below to be taken directly to our affiliate page on Dermalogica's site. You can shop directly from the Dermalogica page whilst also supporting Peachi Beauty!
Further more, you'll be able to receive all the special offers Dermalogica run and the products will get delivered directly to your door. Just make sure you see the banner (shown below) at the top of the screen and you'll know you're supporting us.
Alternatively, shop with us directly in salon at Peachi Beauty and you'll automatically receive a Peachi Product Discount on any Dermalogica products purchased.
More information below!
If you're unsure on what products you need for your skin concern, send us a message or book in for a consultation and a facial and we'll be able to help advice you on the best products for you to achieve a healthy skin.
Remember, if you purchase any products from Peachi Beauty in the salon,
you'll automatically receive a Peachi Product Discount!
We also run special offers throughout the year and some include products too so make sure you're following us on our social media sign up to our newsletter so you don't miss out.
Click here for more information on our Dermalogica facials.
Or contact us by clicking here